Monday, October 11, 2010

Fall Fashion 2011 : 5th Avenue Style meets Economic Recession Vagabond

By: Gregory Andrew Braxton

This week every year everyone who's anyone flocks to London, NYC, Paris, and Milan for a look into the latest and hottest styles that the Fashion World has to offer. I had the opportunity to attend the galas of Phillippe Jean-Jacques and Paolo de Salvatore and saw the future styles that are just what every soccer-mom and stepford wife needs to wear this fall! This preview will inspire how to achieve that high fashion flair without shoplifting or writing another bad check. The Highlights:

Board with the same old Style?

This chic ensemble is a stunning juxtaposition of Film Noir Style on a shoestring budget. Anyone can pull off this fab look with a flea market trench coat and a cardbaord box! Dick Tracy and Humphrey Bogart never looked this good!
Fashion Police Couldn't Arrest This!

Need something to do with that old jumpsuit you got from that time you just tried on that Dolce Sweater, and then forgot you still had it on, and then couldn't reach anyone to make bail for 2 days? Well I've got just the thing, wear it like this and Jailhouse Rock your coworker's socks off!

High Fashion in 2010 is becoming more accessible and DIY than ever before, and I for one am D-I-Y-ing to see it hit the main street this fall!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Forced Across

Human trafficking is real, it's scary, and it's happening right on our streets

By R. Vecci

It's just another Tuesday in Glenwood Mills, New Jersey and I am riding in the patrol car of officer James O'Donnell, questioning him about his experiences with a disturbing phenomenon that seems to be on the rise in America: human trafficking. It's happening in small towns like this, right underneath it's residents' noses, and it's not going away anytime soon.

"As long as there's people that need it, or benefit from it, then we'll keep seeing it," O'Donnell says in a hushed monotone that seems to exemplify the slight defeatism that local law enforcement is beginning to feel when attempting to take on or dismantle this beast, whose tentacles have burrowed their way into municipalities like Glenwood, and apparently, for quite some time now. The officer takes a sip of his coffee and listens to a call that comes buzzing over his radio. "It's been this way for as long as I can remember," He adds. "Way before I was born." He makes a left and as we cross over Cherry street (a main route that runs along the south side of the local high school), I get a first hand glimpse of human trafficking. It's happening right before our eyes and only about twenty feet away to our left.

Three young children cross the street, only a few feet away from a human trafficker. Situations like this are not uncommon in small suburban communities.

What degree of moral decadence is needed in a township to allow for the necessary, prerequisital crime-ridden environments and seedy underworlds that foster the type of activity that seems to attract bullies like these, who descend upon helpess, defenseless communities like Glenside or Glenwood or whatever, with their arrogant, totalitarian shouting of orders, oppressive red signs, and blatant disregard for traditional means of mechanical trafficking and manual trafficking like stoplights and stop signs? How can people let this happen?, I think to myself. "You're looking at your tax dollars at work right there," says O'Donnell, as if to answer my question. I ponder that notion for a moment. Is he implying something far more sinister going on behind the scenes? Shady government connections? The Mafia? As we drift past a local convenient store, I politely ask O'Donnell if he woudn't mind stopping in there, briefly, so that I could grab a cup of coffee. "Dude, your under arrest," He replies. "You took acid and tried to rob a bank. You're going to jail." Before he could even finish his last sentence, he turns into a giant hamster and hisses at me. I let out a bloodcurdling scream and kick the back of his seat, while banging my head against the window to no avail.

Friday, October 1, 2010

10 Ways to Save Money and Still Have Fun

Get the most out of life while boosting your budget

By R. Vecci

Media outlets are now reporting that the recession is over. But, don't take to the streets in celebration just yet. Even if we're finally climbing out of one of the greatest economic downturns in recent history, a lot of American families are still feeling the aftershock and unrelenting grip of financial woes brought on by misguided overspending and faulty investments. That doesn't mean there isn't still room for pizza night or a weekend trip to the movies. Here's ten helpful tips on how you can still get the most out of life while saving, or even gaining money, in spite of that mountain of credit card debt and those nagging loan payments:

10. Take out another loan.

Who cares, right? Sure, you're already buried underneath an insurmountable conglomeration of debt that, with interest, you'll likely never pay off in your lifetime, even if you live to be two hundred. Whether it's a mortgage, student loans, or credit cards, what's a little more shit thrown on top of the pile? Besides, loans are something you can enjoy now and worry about later, and you should start learning how to live in the moment. Seize the day. Life is short. Especially if you're stressed out all the time about debt.

9. Steal your neighbor's stuff.

This idea can not only be rewarding in a material sense, but also fun and exciting emotionally. Plus, it requires virtually no overhead and you won't have to travel and spend money on gas. All you'll really need is a hammer to smash out their window (which you probably already have in the garage or tool shed), a ski mask or a clown mask to conceal your identity (which you can get real cheap at a local retailer or party supply store), and a shit eating grin as you haul off with your neighbor's brand new LCD TV and his wife's jewelry knowing that it was his hard work and hard-earned money that got him these things while your money sits safely in your bank account, untouched. We'd also recommend a small handgun in case one of them happens to be awake and they need to be convinced not to call the cops. But, don't keep it loaded because we're pretty sure if you get caught by the police then that's a much more serious offense and bail will just wind up costing you even more money. Also, you don't want to hurt anyone physically, you just want to take some of their valuables from them and make them yours. This, instead, hurts them financially and puts you ahead of them in a competitive sense. And isn't that what America is all about? Competition breeds innovation. Don't forget to hide your new stuff or cover it with sheets if they come over for dinner or a birthday party, even though the urge to show it off will sometimes make this difficult.

8. Eat bugs.

They're not just for survivalists and third world inhabitants. "But bugs are creepy and disgusting!" You say. This is actually false. Insects are complex, intelligent, selfless, and majestic little beings that will gladly die for your consumption without putting up much of a fight, unlike moronic and jealous animals like deer or zebra. When compiled in large amounts, they are high in protein and carbohydrates and you can use them as a tasty little substitute for side dishes like macaroni salad and corn. Instead of spending more money at the grocery store, just turn over a rock in your backyard and you have an instant snack, especially if you enjoy the consistency and texture of expensive items like popcorn or Raisinettes. Bonus points if your New Age-y: Some Shamans and practitioners of Yoga believe that anything you eat or ingest becomes part of your essence and soul. So, naturally, if you eat ants, then you will not only gain wisdom and sex appeal, but superhuman strength.

7. Worship Satan.

Ever wonder why all the praying in the world doesn't seem to prevent the mini-van from overheating, or the furnace from suddenly breaking? You're likely praying to the wrong deity. This planet is clearly Satan's dominion. It even says so in the bible. When Jesus and his friends were out on the boat fishing and Judas kept whining about his toothache, Jesus turned to him and said, "This world is Satan's." Then, he winked at him. It didn't take long for Judas to put two and two together and look what happened when he submitted to the devil's dark and unholy desires. He was given a huge bag of gold, for Christ's sake. Sure, there's that part about his intestines subsequently spilling out into a field, but who knows if that was really an angry God or just clumsiness on his part. Besides, look at how wealthy and prosperous today's Satanists are. If you think Keith Richards, Ozzy Osbourne, or Obama are going to be eviscerated any time soon, then think again. They're rich, happy, having tons of fun and they don't worry about "making ends meet." Plus, your neighbors will think you're really cool and mysterious.

6. Force your children to panhandle and do magic tricks on the streets.

Want to go shopping with your spouse and finally buy them that thirty dollar pair of shoes they've always wanted? Make that thirty bucks back, or more, right away by smearing your kids with dog feces and dropping them off on the street, on the way, wearing ratty clothes and brandishing a solo cup to collect change in. Tell them to beg for cash or they're not getting dessert. Want even more money? Son always wanted to be a magician? Tell him to do his lousy magic tricks in the street. His stench, overall appearance, and obviously pathetic showmanship will garner him so much sympathy and pity, that people will be putting whole one and five dollar bills in his cup. Meanwhile, you and your loved one can take a romantic stroll through the mall without him asking you to buy him toys. It'll teach him discipline, build character, and make him learn the value of a dollar, something so many kids lack these days.

5. Get rid of your pets.

Remember when pets were loving, loyal, and irreplaceable members of the family? Times have changed. Nowadays, they just seem ungrateful; always lying on the floor whimpering about a bellyache or an ear infection. Kill two birds with one stone by telling that mutt to hit the road. You'll save tons of money you'd otherwise spend on pet food or kitty litter, and you'll increase your quality of life by freeing yourself of that animal's incessant nagging and whining. Want a thrifty substitute? Borrow from tip #8 and fill an empty fish tank with maggots and worms. You'll find them to be quite loyal and they'll never complain or need much food. Just toss your leftovers in there from time to time and when you need a snack, your tiny new pets will gladly melt right in your mouth. We'd recommend eating the maggots before they transform into flies, though, because that could get messy.

4. Grow a beard.

An often overlooked, yet obvious money-saver. This one's pretty simple. Razors cost money. The running water required to shave costs money. Combine this with tip #7 listed above and things will really start to get fun and weird and interesting all the while remaining cost-effective. If you're a female, and can't grow one, you could substitute facial hair with armpit or leg hair. This may, however, hinder any plans you might have to try and get someone to impregnate you.

3. Get some lawn gnomes and some statues.

Every square inch of grass you need to cut with a lawn-mower is more gasoline and oil required to keep that mower running properly. By lessening the amount of grass you need to cut, you save money and also energy. By placing lawn gnomes and other statues across your lawn, you'll have less grass to cut and maintain. Spice things up by dressing the statues and gnomes in your childrens' clothing for a fun and funky look that won't cost you a dime.

2. Go f*ck yourself.

By having sex with yourself, as opposed to your spouse, you will save more money than you can imagine. Sex with persons besides yourself can often create children. Children are incredibly expensive. Especially in modern times. They'll want cell phones, cars, an allowance, a college education and a plethora of other things that are expensive. It can, however, turn out to be the opposite, if you find ways for your child to bring money to the table (See tip #6). More often than not, though, your child will be a lazy, spoiled brat. For this reason, it's recommended that you avoid the situation altogether. If you already have kids, then look into adoption agencies. You'd be surprised at the number of agencies willing to take these money-pits off of your hands, even if they're as old as thirteen or fourteen.

1. Porcupines

This one is pretty self-explanatory.

Ryan Vecci is an associate sub-professor of transnational economics at the University of Southwestern United States. His latest book, Sphincter Economics, disseminates common myths about buying and investing in today's tumultuous and unpredictable marketplace, while demonstrating subtle parallels between the ferocity of today's workplace and velociraptors.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Let's Find Some New Stuff to Draw on Bathroom Stalls

Like maybe a pair of buttocks

By R. Vecci

Times are changing, and the nineties are long behind us. Gigantic pants, sony walkmen, and sweater vests are all wonderful and iconic items but they belong, like your penis drawings, in your attic or basement storage areas. Oh I'm sure the scrawling of a gigantic phallic emblem took place more than once in the eighties, but it was the nineties that saw this trend rise to the forefront of American bathroom artistry. Across the nation, in public male restrooms everywhere, we were reminded constantly that weiners do exist and they come with a set of testicles. This image became embedded permanently into our minds, along with incorrectly drawn swastikas and telephone listings offering incredibly easy homosexual intercourse. It reached its peak roughly in 1998, when it was still somewhat hilarious, but lost its humor almost overnight, somewhere around the summer of 2001.

We're nearing the end of this decade, and drifting into a post-postmodern American aesthetic, signaled by the rise of technology and user-enabled information sharing. It's only fitting that our bathroom graffiti follow suit, reinventing itself carefully and symbolically. I know the penis is easy to draw and can be done with one line, without even lifting your sharpe off the wall, but it's a tired and exhausted graphic, beyond cliche and
without any impact or former shock value. Therefore, it's necessary we draw some new things, like perhaps a pair of buttocks or maybe a human tongue (not as private or taboo but I'm just throwing things out there to start). Let's get creative, people. This is the future for god's sake.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

My co-worker is weird and possibly a shapeshifting lizard from the moon.

But I like his Albert Einstein poster.

by R. Vecci

I'm not sure if any of you have heard the zany, conspiracy laden truth-paste of David Icke. The middle part of this decade saw a slew of paranoia-ridden, conspiracy-implicating books that were vomited out of the aching gut of our post-911 collective psyche. This eccentric fellow from across the pond stood out from the pack, however, with some of the most far-out sludge you could ever tickle your mind silly with. While the chap's got some interesting things to say, his theories are typically discredited once he tries to convince his intended audience that many powerful people are secretly alien reptiles, including the British royal family. Why is this such an insanely moronic theory you ask? Well, why rich and powerful people? Why the royal family? Why not my co-worker, Jim?

Jim's office is right across from my desk, which makes for akward encounters at various moments throughout the day. He's got all the qualifications to be a space salamander. For one, he strolls in twenty minutes late almost every day, breathing heavily with a strange look of displacement on his face. Is he eating babies moments before? He wears his winter coat all day long at his desk because he says the air duct blows continuous cold air on him, but I think it's because he could secretly be a cold-blooded reptile. He puts his hood up and gurgles when he makes eye contact with me. His girlfriend calls a lot and I can hear them argue, which then results in him making strange hissing and popping noises. Is this some strange Martian dragon mating ritual?

Strange guy. But I still think he's pretty cool, and I like his office decor. Still, I don't think I would care that much if someone spit on his birthday cake.